Refereed Conference Papers
- Susik, R., Nowotniak, R., & Kulczycki, E. (2023). Blockchain-based certification of research outputs and academic achievements: A case of scientific conference. Communication Papers of the 18th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, pp. 323–327. doi: 10.15439/2023F9620 [PDF]
- Doğan, G., Taşkın, Z., Kulczycki, E., Szadkowski, K. How Inclusive Are the International Conferences? Attending Conferences in an Unequal World. In: Information for a Better World: Normality, Virtuality, Physicality, Inclusivity. iConference 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13971. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-28035-1_37 [Link]
- Kulczycki, E., & Rotnicka, S. (2022). Consequences of Participating in Questionable Academia: A Global Survey of Authors of Journal Articles and Conference Presentations. 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2022), Granada, Spain, 7-9 September 2022. DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.6960060 [PDF]
- Doğan, G., Taşkın, Z., Kulczycki, E., & Pölönen, Janne. (2022). What makes top 20 JIF journals ‘top’?: Exploring characteristics of journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports. 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2022), Granada, Spain, 7-9 September 2022. DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.6906891 [PDF]
- Kulczycki, E. (2022). Open Science, Research Assessment and HSS (Humanities and Social Sciences. Open Science European Conference. (2022). Proceedings of the Paris Open Science European Conference: OSEC 2022. OpenEdition Press. DOI: 10.4000/books.oep.15829 [PDF]
French version: Kulczycki, E. (2022). Science ouverte, évaluation de la recherche et SHS (sciences humaines et sociales). Open Science European Conference. (2022). Actes des Journées européennes de la science ouverte: Open Science European Conference – OSEC 2022. OpenEdition Press. DOI: 10.4000/books.oep.15822 [PDF]
- Kulczycki, E., Hołowiecki, M., Taşkın, Z., & Krawczyk, F. (2021). Do impact-factor journals make blacklisted journals visible? A systematic citation study. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI 2021, 615-620. [PDF]
- Taşkın, Z., Taşkın, A., Doğan, G., & Kulczycki, E. (2021). Editorial board member and prolific author status positively shorten publication time. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI 2021, 1081-1089. [PDF]
- Kulczycki, E., Korytkowski, P. What share of researchers publish monographs?. In: Proceedings of the 17th conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (Vol. 1, 179–184). [PDF]
- Sivertsen, G., Guns, R., Kulczycki, E., & Pölönen, J. The use of Gold Open Access in four European countries: An analysis at the level of articles. In: Proceedings of the 17th conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (Vol. 2, 1600-1605). [PDF]
- Pölönen, J., Guns, R., Kulczycki, E., Laakso, M., & Sivertsen, G. Open access challenge at the national level: comprehensive analysis of publication channels used by Finnish researchers in 2016-2017. In: Proceedings of the 17th conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (Vol. 2, 1776–1787). [PDF]
- Ochsner, M., Kulczycki, E., Gedutis, A. (2018, September). The Diversity of European Research Evaluation Systems. In 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI 2018), September 12-14, 2018, Leiden, The Netherlands. Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS). [PDF]
- Engels, T., Starčič, A. I., Kulczycki, E., Pölönen, J., Sivertsen, G. (2018, September). Are book publications disappearing from scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities?. In 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI 2018), September 12-14, 2018, Leiden, The Netherlands. Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS). [PDF]
- Pölönen, J., Auranen, O., Engels, T., Kulczycki, E. (2018, September). Taking national language publications into account: the case of the Finnish performance-based research funding system. In 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI 2018), September 12-14, 2018, Leiden, The Netherlands. Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS). [PDF]
- Kulczycki, E., Engels, T., Nowotniak., R. (2017). Publication patterns in the social sciences and humanities in Flanders and Poland. In: Proceedings of ISSI 2017 Wuhan: 16th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, Wuhan, China, 16–20 October 2017, 95–104. [PDF]
- Rozkosz, E. A., Siuda, P., Stunża, G. D., Dąbrowska, A. J., Klimowicz, M., Kulczycki, E., Muszyński, D., Piotrowska, R., Sieńko, M., & Stachura, K. Information and Media Literacy of Polish Children According to the Results of “Children of the Net” and “Children of the Net 2.0” Studies. (2013). In: S. Kurbanoğlu, Špiranec, D. Mizrachi, & R. Catts (eds.), Information Literacy: Lifelong Learning and Digital Citizenship in the 21st Century (ss. 263–273). Cham: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-14136-7_28. [Link]
- Kulczycki, E., Andrzejewski, B. (2013). Artifical languages as a path to better literacy. In: E. Karagiannidou, Ch.-O. Papadopoulou, E. Skourtou E. (eds.), Language Diversity and Language Learning: New Paths to Literacy. Proceedings of the 42nd Linguistics Colloquium in Rhodes 2007, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2013, 71–78. I
- Kulczycki, E. (2012). Blogi i serwisy naukowe. Komunikacja naukowa w kulturze konwergencji. In: I. Sójkowska (ed.), Materiały konferencyjne EBIB nr 22, Stowarzyszenie EBIB, Toruń 2012, 1–24. [PDF]
English version: Kulczycki, E. (2012). Blogs and scientific services. Scientific communication in culture of convergence. In: I. Sójkowska (red.), Materiały konferencyjne EBIB nr 22, Stowarzyszenie EBIB, Toruń 2012, 1–24. [PDF]
Conference Program Committees
- Member of the Program Committee: STI2020, Aarhus, Denmark, 2–4 September 2020.
- Organizator and the Chair of Scientific Committee: RESH 2020 – The 4th Research Evaluation in the SSH International Conference, Poznań, Poland, 17–18 September 2020.
- Member of Program Board: ICTeSSH 2020: International Conference on ICT enhanced Social Sciences and Humanities 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 29.06–1.07
- Organizator: ENRESSH Training School: National bibliographic databases and their uses for evaluating and understanding research, Poznań, Poland, 21–25 October 2019.
- Member of the Scientific Committee: RESSH 2019 – Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Valencia, Spain, 19–20 September 2019.
- Member of the Programme Committee: ISSI2019 – 17th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, 2–5 September 2019.
- Member of the International Organizing Committee: Communication, Art, Media: Probing Impacts and Intersections, Lisbon , Portugal, October 13-15, 2017.
- Member of the Scientific Committee: RESSH 2017 – Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities
University of Antwerp, Belgium, 6-7 July 2017. - Member of the Organising Committee: ECREA – Philosophy of Communication Section – Workshop 2015. Vilnius, Lithuania, 8–10 October 2015.
Selected Conference Presentations
- Kulczycki, E. (presenter), Hołowiecki, M., Taşkın, Z., Krawyczk, F. Do impact-factor journals make blacklisted journals visible? A systematic citation study. 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics, 12-15 July 2021.
- Kulczycki, E. (presenter), Gun. S., Pölönen, J., Engels, T.C.E., Rozkosz E.A., Zuccala, A.A., State of multilingualism within the social sciences and humanities: A seven-country European study. 23nd Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy. Reykjavík (Iceland), 27–29th of November, 2019.
- Kulczycki, E. (presenter), Korytkowski, P. What share of researchers publish monographs? 17th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics. Rome (Italy), 2–5th of September, 2019.
- Kulczycki, E. Evaluation games as the resistance: Towards a framework for research evaluation studies.RESSH 2019 – Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Valencia (Spain), 19-20th of September, 2019.
- Kulczycki, E. How (not) to evaluate scholarly books: the experience from Poland. Scholarly Books and their Evaluation Context in the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen (Denmark), 5–6th of November, 2018.
- Kulczycki, E. (presenter), Rozkosz E.A., Engels, T.C.E., Gun. S., Hołowiecki, M., Pölönen, J. Is it a peer-review label? Presenting reviewers’ names in scholarly books in Poland. 23nd Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy. Borås (Sweden), 7–9th of November, 2018.
- Kulczycki, E. Using scientometric indicators for reporting research portfolio: field patterns of metric-wiseness. 22nd Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy
Helsinki (Finland), 9–10th of November, 2017 - Kulczycki, E. Publication patterns in the social sciences and humanities in Flanders and Poland. 16th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics. Wuhan (China), 16–20th of October, 2017.
- Kulczycki, E. (presenter), Rozkosz, E.A., Drabek, A. Ostensible internationalization of journals in the social sciences and humanities in Poland as a result of the Polish Journal Rankings. RESSH 2017 – Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Antwerp (Belgium), 6–7th of July, 2017. - Kulczycki, E. Field Patterns of Metric-Wiseness. Summer of Science Studies, Warsaw (Poland), 14th of August, 2017.
- Kulczycki, E. Should Philosophers Be Allowed to Write Communication History? ECREA – Philosophy of Communication Section – Workshop 2015. Vilnus (Lithuania), 8–10th of October, 2015.
- Kulczycki, E. Assessing Publications in the Humanities and Social Sciences: a Case of Parametric Evaluation in Poland. RESSH 2015 – Research Evaluation for the Social Sciences and the Humanities, Rennes (France), 4-6th of June, 2015.
- Kulczycki, E. On the cultural character of the transmission model of communication. ICA Regional Conference 2015 – Expanding Communication: Old Boundaries and New Frontiers, Łódź (Poland), 9–11th of April, 2015.
- Kulczycki, E. Communication as a foundation of the Open Science. ECREA’s 5th European Communication Conference: Communication for Empowerment: Citizens, Markets, Innovations. Lisbon (Portugal), 12–15th of November, 2014.
- Kulczycki, E. Opening Science – social media in scholarly communication. Communication and information sciences in network society: experience and insights: II. Vilnius (Lithuania), 19–20th of June, 2014.
- Kulczycki, E. Blogs and scientific services. Scientific communication in the culture of convergence. III International Conference of Open Access in Poland “Open science and education”. Bydgoszcz (Poland), 13–14th of April, 2012.