Reviewer in international journals (year of first review):
More about my reviewing activity on Web of Science (Publons).
- Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance (2022)
- Aslib Journal of Information Management (2018)
- BMJ Open (2018)
- Canadian Journal of Sociology (2017)
- Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics (2021)
- Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education (2022)
- Higher Education Policy (2025)
- IFLA Journal (2024)
- Journal of Data and Information Science (2022)
- Journal of Informetrics (2019)
- Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management (2022)
- Journal of Scholarly Publishing (2022)
- Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (2021)
- KOME: An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry (2020)
- Learned Publishing (2021)
- Nature Human Behavior (2020)
- Quantitative Science Studies (2022)
- Philosophy of Social Sciences (2020)
- PloS One (2018)
- Research Evaluation (2019)
- Research Policy (2024)
- Sage OPEN (2019)
- Scholarly Assessment Reports (2020)
- Scientometrics (2017)
- Science and Public Policy (2024)
- Social Science Information (2024)
- Studies in Higher Education (2020)
- System (2019)
- Tertiary Education and Management (2021)
Reviewer in Polish journals (year of first review):
- Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia (2015)
- Avant (2012)
- Biblioteka (2021)
- Diametros (2022)
- Drogi Edukacji (2013)
- Homo Ludens (2012)
- Konteksty społeczne (2017)
- Kultura i Edukacja (2013)
- Nauka (2018)
- Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe (2018)
- Socjolingwistyka (2021)
- Studia Socjologiczne (2020)
- Przegląd Kulturoznawczy (2021)
- Res Publica Nova (2014)
- Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej (2015)
- Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny (2021)
- Toruńskie Studia Bibliologiczne (2019)
- Turystyka kulturowa (2012)
- Wiadomości Statystyczne (2019)
- Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa (2016)
- Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej (2022)
- Zarządzanie Mediami (2018)
- Zarządzanie publiczne (2017)
Reviewer of book manuscripts (year of first review):
- SAGE (2019)
- Routledge (2020)
Reviewer for funding agencies (year of first review):
- Swiss National Science Foundation (2024)
- National Science Foundation (2024)
- Research Council of KU Leuven (2023)
- Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia (2022)
- National Science Center in Poland (2013)
- National Programme for the Development of Humanities (2014)
- National Centre for Research and Development in Poland (2017)
- Best Student Grant AMU (2019)
Conference reviewer:
- STI 2024: The 28th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, Berlin.
- ISSI 2021: the 18th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (Belgium)
- ICTeSSH 2021: International Conference on ICT enhanced Social Sciences and Humanities 2021
- techLING 2020 (Portugal)
- ECREA 2020: 8th European Communication Conference (Portugal)
- ICTeSSH 2020: International Conference on ICT enhanced Social Sciences and Humanities 2020 (Netherlands)
- ISSI 2019: the 17th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference in Rome (Italy)
- STI 2018: 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators in Leiden (Netherlands)
- ISSI 2017: the 16th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference in Wuhan (China)
- RESSH 2017: Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities in Antwerp (Belgium)
- ECREA 2017: Philosophy of Communication in Lisbon (Portugal)
- ECREA 2015: Philosophy of Communication Section – Workshop in Vilnius (Lithuania)