Currently, my teaching activities are primarily focused on research in science of science, scientometrics, and bibliometrics. The priority area of teaching includes subjects designed for PhD students and master’s degree students within the framework of research-based learning.
Simce 2023, I have been conducting a lecture and workshops titled Bibliometrics and Webometrics for undergraduate students of the Library and Information Science (AMU).
From 2020 to 2023, I led the following research-based learning groups at the Faculty of Philosophy, AMU:
For PhD students:
- Początki naukoznawczej refleksji w Polsce [The Beginnings of Science of Science Reflection in Poland] 2022/2023
- Etyczny wymiar drapieżnej akademii [Ethical Dimension of the Predatory Academia] 2021/2022
- Evaluation Games in Academia: How measuring shapes scholarly communication 2020/2021
- Scholarly communication and academic publishing 2019/20
For master students:
- Badania nad nauką i szkolnictwem wyższym [Research on Science and Higher Education] 2020/2021
- Geopolityka nauki: znaczenie centrów i peryferii dla produkcji wiedzy [Geopolitics of Science: The Significance of Centers and Peripheries for Knowledge Production] 2020/2021
From 2017 to 2023, within master’s degree studies, I teach following courses (lectures & workshops):
- Bibliometria i webometria [Bibliometrics & Webometrics] 2022/23.
- Analiza i wizualizacja danych badawczych [Analysis and Visualization of Research Data] 2019/20
- Ilościowe studia nad nauką [Quantitative Studies on Science] 2019/20
- Problemy i wyzwania ewaluacji nauki [Problems and Challenges of Research Evaluation] 2019/20
- Warsztaty z metod ilościowych w komunikacji naukowej [Workshops on Quantitative Methods in Scholarly Communication] 2017/18/19
- Wprowadzenie do badań komunikacji naukowej [Introduction to Research in Scholarly Communication] 2017/18/19
From 2014 to 2018, I teach following courses for PhD students:
- Academic competences. Introduction to scholarly communication. A course for A course for PhD students from all fields of science at the Adam Mickiewicz University. Fall 2015, Fall 2014.
- Scholar’s workshop. A three lectures (as a part of the obligatory course) on research evaluation and open science for PhD students from all fields of research at the Adam Mickiewicz University.
- Scholarly communication. A course for PhD philosophy students. Fall 2018, Fall 2017, Fall 2016, Fall 2015, Fall 2014.
From 2007 to 2015, I reached following courses for students of Philosophy – Social Communication program.
- Projektowanie komunikacji [Designing communication]. Spring 2015, Spring 2014, Spring 2013, Spring 2012, Spring 11.
- Historia komunikacji [Communication history]. Spring 2015, Spring 2014, Spring 2013, Spring 2012
- Podstawy praktyki edytorskiej [Academic Writing]. Fall 2014, Fall 2013, Fall 2012, Fall 2011.
- Antropologia komunikacji [Antropology of communication]. Fall 2012, Fall 2011, Fall 2010.
- Filozoficzne aspekty komunikacji [Philosophical foundations of communication]. Fall 2009, Fall 2008.
- Teoria komunikacji [Theory of communication practices]. Spring 2011.
- Filozofia Odrodzenia i Oświecenia [Philosophy of Renaissance and Enlightenment]. Fall 2007.